Thursday, December 24, 2009

How else could I respond except "how's welcome to McDonald's. Go get your self a job like the rest of us!". I guess it's a good thing he had a sense of humor
Today I caught a shoplifter at work and when he told me it was the holidays and we're in a recession then presented the question of what could he say?...

Monday, December 14, 2009

Just spent my first day back at work after a long weekend of projects. I'll take the projects and time with my wife anyday

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

I am NOT a morning person

K so I'm sure the blog after this one will be much more interesting, but I felt a duty to blog about something I hate more than a lot of things, and I hate a lot of things. The hatted thing...getting up early. We went to Cancun last week; And our day started at five a.m. when I sprung from the bed at the sound of the alarm and went skipping to the bathroom. Wow I thought, I'm surprisingly spry at Five in the morning! I look smuggly at myself in the mirror. "wow that was really funny. Hey! Trav did you hear what I said?"
Travis: yes
Me: well...
Travis: well what?
Me: Don't you think I'm funny?
Travis: not really
Me: well! I know someone who can appreciate me.
I grab my cellphone and begin texting like mad.
Travis: who are you texting? people don't like to be tested at five in the morning.
Me: hrmmph
Travis: i'm serious
here Travis takes my phone, and katie sleeps another sound hour.
This is when my withdrawals begin to kick in, as my body has cleverly figured out that I excpect it to stay awake. For those of you "morning people" I'll just say right now I think you're freaks, and that includes most of my family. I get headaches, nasuea, in short I feel like shit anytime before ten. I look in the mirror and grab my toothbrush "god damn mutherfucker" I say. "What?" my husband yells. "Just who the hells idea was it to book tickets at this time?" I scream at him. "Yours" he says
I look into my hollow eyes one last time before I refuse to look at myself anymore that day "bitch"

Monday, November 9, 2009

project mom

So, I know I haven't been blogging much, but that's only because I never do anything, I mean I really can't blog about watching Maury all day.
Finally though something did happen, my mom, who is also known as the ninety pound female version of Bob Villa. Came to visit. She earns this rep because she is always doing things, always, even when she is just sitting there, she is doing cross word puzzles. So while she was here surprise! we did things!.
wallpapered my guest room
took apart the dog house
built a flower box
put in a brick path
replaced my front railing
tiled my fire place
and cleaned the shit outa stuff.

Aside from slave labor at the hand of my mother, Travis and I went to a wedding on Halloween. It was very long, very catholic, oh and did I mention it was completely in spanish. Needless to say I was bored out of my mind, though the repeated standing for no reason was a nice break from the kneeling.
spot whats wrong in this photo
Taz got filthy
Taz simultaneously tries to drink and attack the hose
he's just so cute.
Also, cute but not pictured is the new way Pepper scratches herself. She does this by leaning against my house and walking around the peramitter, letting the bumps on the stucco scratch her booty, oh and did I mention she grunts when she does this. stupid dog

Thursday, October 8, 2009

San Diego

You know its been a long time since you've seen your family when your sister in law is looking at your camera and asks you "who that girl is?" and its you.

Soooo.....Trav and I headed down to San Diego last week to visit my brother and his wife Cindy.
Of course the little dogs came too, which made for almost a fifty fifty dog to people ratio. The first day was good, Taz was afraid of Jason so he kept his distance, but by night the dogs were feeling comfortable with themselves and everyone, and soon became not so distant. At night Jones felt it was necessary to sleep with Jason. First on the sofa,then when Jason headed to the bedroom Jones followed, and then both of them back out on the couch, needless to say Jason wasn't to pleasant the next morning. Taz had heard Jason and Jones and decided he wanted to get in on all the action, so from about 4a.m. and on Taz cried and cried and cried. JESUS! In the morning after everyone stumbled out for breakfast, we all took a nap, and slept till one. Then we watched wrestling. After that Trav and I headed home. And that is pretty much a typical trip for my family-dogs,beach,zombies,naps,weed,wrestling, and mexican food! god I love my family

Friday, October 2, 2009

I just found out I can post to the Blog through my cell phone so Stef will soon find out she is wrong and I will update on everything
I'm sitting at home waiting to go to bed and getting ready for our san Diego trip tomorrow am

Monday, September 28, 2009

The perfect blog to bleach your teeth to

The tittle says it all. Katie, "This is the perfect blog to bleach your teeth to" as I don't expect it to be funny at all. A few months ago our dogs, who are our children, escaped. Somehow the gate to the back yard was not latched. I had left them out for a while because, well because they are dogs.
After a while I went to let them in. Usually they come barreling for the open door and slam into who ever was stupid enough to have opened it, but today their was only silence, and unbruised knees. I starting looking for them around the yard as sometimes they get stuck in places, like the garage or between the fence. They were nowhere to be found, and that's when I noticed the gate was wide open, now not only was the gate wide open, but outside the gate was some strewn about rocks and leaves, some half chewed trash and a very frazzled looking cat. A sure sign they had been there and gone. I starting running down all our streets calling out for them, eventually
I got in the car and did the same. After about an hour I had to call Travis and tell him what had happened. I told him to come home, leave work, these our our dogs damnit! So in about another hour Travis and I, in separate cars, were both patrolling the neighborhood. All we found was a black lab, and pug. (not our dogs) We ran into a few people who said they would keep their eyes out for us, most people were very nice, but we did have one ass of a neighbor who, when he asked what was wrong, and I said our dogs were missing. His reply was "you guys should really go look for them" thank you! we hadn't thought of that, what a very inciteful fat neighbor. What the hell do you think we are doing out here! We never found them that night, so we tried to settle down. Well that didn't happen. What did happen is we both got incredibly drunk and bawled our eyes out. Later, Travis got up to go to the bathroom and I went outside and sat on our porch. I just kept thinking about how helpless these dogs were, how we live right in between two busy streets, and what killed me the most was thinking they were sticking to together out their like a family. Then, i heard it. A bow wow wow. Now those of you who have dogs you KNOW your dogs bark. I knew that was Taz! Taz has an electric bark colar because of the frequency with which he barks-so I am very familiar with the sound to say the least. The second I heard that high pitched little yowl I took off down the street. After a block, I realized what the hell are you doing? you can't just take off with the door wide open, Travis will freak out that you are gone. So I ran back, and as soon as I got to the driveway Travis was running out of the house getting in the car yelling "I heard Taz!, I heard Taz!" So we took off!
I rolled down the window and with each bow wow wow we got a little bit closer. Travis then decided he had had enough of the driving business and got out of the car to find the dogs on foot. So with Travis on foot and me in the car we headed opposite ways. I take a left, he takes a right, I take another left and he takes another right. We both end up in front of the same house. One block up and a to the house exactly behind ours. We start walking back and forth in front of the house and we keep hearing bow wow wow. After a little while an old woman comes out and says "are you looking for your dogs" She had seen them and taken them into her house with her, around two o'clock, so while we had been crying and scavenging the neighborhood for them, they were inside curled up with a nice little old woman, watching Oprah on her sofa. We profusely thanked the woman, took them home and made them each a cheese burger. What I think is particularly great about this story is that I know my dogs must really know they are a pack cause they had been out for a few hours and people said they had seen them running around together. I know it was Pepper who kept them safe and stuck with her little guy. And Taz, who after all the trouble we go through to get him to shut the hell up, his crying was what led us to him and what got him home.
The bitches love him

He isn't humping her, thats how he sleeps, on top of other dogs.
Peppie likes to sleep in the fire place

Sunday, September 27, 2009

THIS drives me crazy!

ok so,
I don't have any house photos or news, because well...we didn't do any house work, but, BUT! I did get a photo of something that drives me mutahfckingcrazy!!!!!! MY neighbors! who aside from being douches, also enjoy parking their lame aa rv in front of my house. This is the second time they have done it. It has now been in front of my house for a week and two days. This is particularly annoying because;
one-the rv is super trashed
two-their is no parking for us
three-we are supposed to put our trash out there
four-I accidentally erased four, but I thought i'd leave it because their is a number four fact I just can't remember it.
five- their is parking in front of their house!

oh and while I am on a note of annoying neighbors. I thought I would also include the man who has a bee nest in his yard, knows about it, but does nothing. So bees are everywhere.

And last but not least, Taz, who bent a metal bar earlier in an attempt to kill the mailman-through intimidation I suppose.
Lame RV
Bent rod
Can't see this one very well, but all the black where the pipe meets the roof is bees. The hive is up in their attic so all you can see is the bees muddling around the opening. For some reason they have the window open today..

Wednesday, September 23, 2009


just like it says, this is an introduction to our new blog, And by "our" I mean me! aka Stefanie, as I doubt I can pressure Travis into posting anything.
Now folks, a
This blog will probably, no definitely, have A LOT of profanity. Profanity is one of my top three favorite activities, right in between sleeping and spending money; and from the looks of it, this blog will also contain plenty of run on sentences, and bad punctuation. I'd also like to point out the "clever" tittle comes from something Travis said, I don't remember exactly what, but he was working on some project, thinking he was all important, So I thought "hmmm if i'm already on the computer maybe if I am making a lot of noise on the keyboard it will make me sound busy." and poof! enter blog.

Well.. we are currently, actively, working on our house; specifically, today. So I will update tomorrow with photos and such.

And, as it is now 2:33 a.m. and I can no longer see straight, this is going to be the end, for now.
See, I told you I have no grammer skills, and ooh yeah, fuck.