Wednesday, November 25, 2009

I am NOT a morning person

K so I'm sure the blog after this one will be much more interesting, but I felt a duty to blog about something I hate more than a lot of things, and I hate a lot of things. The hatted thing...getting up early. We went to Cancun last week; And our day started at five a.m. when I sprung from the bed at the sound of the alarm and went skipping to the bathroom. Wow I thought, I'm surprisingly spry at Five in the morning! I look smuggly at myself in the mirror. "wow that was really funny. Hey! Trav did you hear what I said?"
Travis: yes
Me: well...
Travis: well what?
Me: Don't you think I'm funny?
Travis: not really
Me: well! I know someone who can appreciate me.
I grab my cellphone and begin texting like mad.
Travis: who are you texting? people don't like to be tested at five in the morning.
Me: hrmmph
Travis: i'm serious
here Travis takes my phone, and katie sleeps another sound hour.
This is when my withdrawals begin to kick in, as my body has cleverly figured out that I excpect it to stay awake. For those of you "morning people" I'll just say right now I think you're freaks, and that includes most of my family. I get headaches, nasuea, in short I feel like shit anytime before ten. I look in the mirror and grab my toothbrush "god damn mutherfucker" I say. "What?" my husband yells. "Just who the hells idea was it to book tickets at this time?" I scream at him. "Yours" he says
I look into my hollow eyes one last time before I refuse to look at myself anymore that day "bitch"

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