Wednesday, November 25, 2009

I am NOT a morning person

K so I'm sure the blog after this one will be much more interesting, but I felt a duty to blog about something I hate more than a lot of things, and I hate a lot of things. The hatted thing...getting up early. We went to Cancun last week; And our day started at five a.m. when I sprung from the bed at the sound of the alarm and went skipping to the bathroom. Wow I thought, I'm surprisingly spry at Five in the morning! I look smuggly at myself in the mirror. "wow that was really funny. Hey! Trav did you hear what I said?"
Travis: yes
Me: well...
Travis: well what?
Me: Don't you think I'm funny?
Travis: not really
Me: well! I know someone who can appreciate me.
I grab my cellphone and begin texting like mad.
Travis: who are you texting? people don't like to be tested at five in the morning.
Me: hrmmph
Travis: i'm serious
here Travis takes my phone, and katie sleeps another sound hour.
This is when my withdrawals begin to kick in, as my body has cleverly figured out that I excpect it to stay awake. For those of you "morning people" I'll just say right now I think you're freaks, and that includes most of my family. I get headaches, nasuea, in short I feel like shit anytime before ten. I look in the mirror and grab my toothbrush "god damn mutherfucker" I say. "What?" my husband yells. "Just who the hells idea was it to book tickets at this time?" I scream at him. "Yours" he says
I look into my hollow eyes one last time before I refuse to look at myself anymore that day "bitch"

Monday, November 9, 2009

project mom

So, I know I haven't been blogging much, but that's only because I never do anything, I mean I really can't blog about watching Maury all day.
Finally though something did happen, my mom, who is also known as the ninety pound female version of Bob Villa. Came to visit. She earns this rep because she is always doing things, always, even when she is just sitting there, she is doing cross word puzzles. So while she was here surprise! we did things!.
wallpapered my guest room
took apart the dog house
built a flower box
put in a brick path
replaced my front railing
tiled my fire place
and cleaned the shit outa stuff.

Aside from slave labor at the hand of my mother, Travis and I went to a wedding on Halloween. It was very long, very catholic, oh and did I mention it was completely in spanish. Needless to say I was bored out of my mind, though the repeated standing for no reason was a nice break from the kneeling.
spot whats wrong in this photo
Taz got filthy
Taz simultaneously tries to drink and attack the hose
he's just so cute.
Also, cute but not pictured is the new way Pepper scratches herself. She does this by leaning against my house and walking around the peramitter, letting the bumps on the stucco scratch her booty, oh and did I mention she grunts when she does this. stupid dog